Customers at three Sacramento area Starbucks were robbed of their devices Tuesday evening. The perpetrators literally walked into two area Starbucks and forcibly took mobile devices from individuals; the third occurred on the patio of the cafe.
Help police to help you. Be prepared and right now make sure that your mobile devices are trackable. If you are not sure how to enable this feature on your devices, contact your mobile provider for assistance.
- When possible, don’t sit outside or near the door utilizing your laptop or mobile devices. Sitting near the door or outside with your devices makes you an easy target and quick grab and escape for the bad guy.
- Download and activate a mobile tracking app such as “Lookout” or “Cerberus.” Most Android devices are trackable now through Google Chrome if you have your Gmail account synced to your mobile device. Apps such as “Lookout” and “Cerberus” can be configured to take pictures of the bad guy (in the background unbenounced to him/her) and emailed to a designated email address automatically. This can greatly help authorities.
- Make sure your mobile device isn’t just sitting out on the table for an easy grab. When possible, keep it in your pocket or put away until needed.
- When walking to and from your vehicle or out and about, keep your mobile device in your pocket or put away.