Sacramento CA | Drunk crowds from new K Street clubs have officers calling for back up.

Early Saturday morning as Dive Bar, Pizza Rock and District 30 were shutting down, rowdy crowds developed on the first floor of the adjacent parking structure. Per radio traffic, an on site SacPD Security officer called for urgent assistance and back up. Blazing through the streets with lights and sirens sounding, SacPD patrol units converged on the parking garage and controlled the liquored up crowed with an overwhelming presence.

After controlling the issues on the first floor of the garage, officers headed up to the second level where, even though a large amount of police were present, club goers were breaking bottles. No one was injured however at least one drunk person was detained.

As you turn the corner from L Street onto 10th Street, any Thursday through Saturday night after 11 P.M, the site you will see is a street filled with taxi cabs fighting over fares, large numbers of guys and scantily clad women stumbling around drunk trying to find a ride, and a contingency of SacPD Officers keeping a cork on brewing situations.

Visit the parking garage

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